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01. Unexpected Heroes

Aya Meidan

In this account, Aya describes her experience on the day of the October 7th attack. The paths that she so frequently rides her bike on lead into a nightmare. She is saved by friends from an unexpected place, who are taking even more of a risk by being there.

את איה, שרכבה באופניים מחוץ לקיבוץ בארי ביום הטבח, הצילו בדואים שהגיעו מרהט לחלץ בן דוד שלהם, שמצא את איה. בסיפור של חנוכה, אנשים פשוטים לקחו על עצמם תפקידי מנהיגות- המכבים היו משפחה של כהנים, שהפכו למובילי מרד מלחמתי, חנה הפכה להיות סמל לדמות שהגנה על ערכיה ואמונתה היהודית. כך גם בזמן הזה הגיעו גיבורים ומחוות תמיכה והצלה ממקומות ואנשים בלתי צפויים.

So many Israelis were required to, or moved to, step up and display tremendous bravery during the fighting. In many cases these were ordinary citizens who stepped up, even though they were not prepared or trained for the situation. Similarly, the story of Hanukkah includes unexpected heroes- the Maccabees were a family of priests who took on a military leadership role, Hannah became a model for standing up against the Greeks for her faith and values. In unexpected situations, there are unexpected heroes who come to the rescue, rise to action and surprise the world by bravely stepping up for others.

Note: This video contains descriptions of violence, though no specific acts are discussed.

And then Hisham said to me, "Aya they're here. They are right here."



When in your life were you deeply - and happily - surprised by someone stepping up?

מתי קרה משהו שהפתיע אתכם – לטובה – באופן אמיתי ועמוק?

In what instances did you experience an unexpected reaction – for better or worse – from someone you know, since October 7th?

מתי במהלך החודשיים האחרונים חוויתם תגובה לא צפוייה ממישהו שקרוב אליכם?

How might we react or reciprocate when we’re surprised by another’s positive actions?

כיצד ניתן להגיב או להשיב לאדם שהתייצב עבורך במעשיו הטובים?

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Kol HaOt imparts Jewish values, texts and history through a creative synthesis of the visual and performing arts.

We believe that harnessing the arts, via our interactive programs, is a necessity, not a luxury, and is an effective model for Jewish education, identity and community.

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